2009年3月6日 星期五




Thank you for the email. We are sorry to hear about the shipping damage. Like you said, you have submitted hundreds of cards and never had a situation like this before. It is rare but can happen. When it does, we want to get it fixed for you.

Please send the cards back to us, along with your invoice. We will have the pieces recased and shipped right back to you. If you would like to hold onto the cards until your next order, that will also work. please make sure you note that you received the cards this way and we will get them recased for you at no charge. Again, we are sorry for the shipping damage but will get this corrected for you.



Send the items to us and we will ship them back to you at no charge. Package the cards up in a way you feel comfortable. We will get them recased and shipped ASAP.


但這樣的處理方式有個缺點,就是我無法追蹤BECKETT處理進度及delivery status,所以到時先確認四月份是否有較佳的offer,再與要鑑定的卡片一起寄送,如果沒有較佳的offer也只好將所有有損傷的鑑定卡寄至BECKETT更換了,希望他們能很快的送回來。
